Donald Trump Calls COVID-19 Vaccine Approval Delay A 'Political Hit Job'

President Donald Trump may still appear to be recovering from COVID-19, but he is still finding time to tweet. Yesterday, the President fired off a series of more than three dozen tweets. Most notably, he took aim at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's recent decision to tighten regulations regarding the impending COVID-19 vaccine.

"New FDA Rules make it more difficult for them to speed up vaccines for approval before Election Day. Just another political hit job," he tweeted.

Earlier this month, the FDA issued new guidelines for the ongoing COVID-19 vaccine trials. The organization advises developers to monitor at least half of their clinical trial participants for at least two months after receiving their final does the vaccine before applying for emergency authorization. Also, the FDA advises developers to wait to apply for emergency authorization until at least five severe cases of COVID-19 have been reported among the group receiving the placebo. If these new guidelines are followed, it would deny the former reality TV show host the opportunity to unveil a vaccine before election day.

Immediately after the FDA issued their new guidelines, a group of 60 doctors from Harvard, Yale and other top institutions issued a letter asking for more stringent guidelines. The group asks that the entire group of clinical trial participants be monitored for at least two months after receiving the vaccine or placebo.

"Premature authorization would prolong the pandemic, with disastrous consequences," the group of 60 doctors writes.

Moreover, a number of top vaccine developers have repeatedly said that they will not push forth a vaccine before election day. However, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla has remained steadfast in his push to have a vaccine approved by November.

Given the hotel chain owner's stance on the FDA's recent regulations, it's unlike the guidelines will pass through the White House. In response, the FDA will look toward alternate routes of approving the vaccine.

Photo: Getty Images

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