Old Navy Will Make Girls’ Jeans With Pockets Thanks To A First-Grader

“Dear Old Navy. I do not like that the front pockets of the girls’ jeans are fake.” Arkansas first-grader Kamryn Gardner voiced her opinion on jeans offered to girls by retail giant Old Navy. Now, the brand says they’re going to develop more girls’ jeans with real pockets. 

“I want front pockets because I want to put my hands in them. I also would like to put things in them,” Kamryn added to her letter, shared on her elementary school’s Facebook page

“Would you consider making girls jeans with front pockets that are not fake. Thank you for reading my request,” Kamryn ended the letter. 

People reported that Old Navy responded to her, sharing their plans to put real pockets in girls’ jeans. They sent her two pairs of jeans and jean shorts with real pockets so Kamryn can test them out.

“Thank you so much for taking the time to write us about pockets on girl’s jeans,” the retailer wrote in a handwritten note sent along with the jeans. “The Old Navy kids product team appreciates your information, it’s great feedback for us as we develop new product.” 

A spokesperson from Old Navy told People they do have some products with real pockets on the market already. “With regards to our girl’s denim, we currently offer a number of styles that feature pockets including in our straight, bootcut and jegging styles,” the Old Navy representative wrote in a statement to the outlet. 

Kamryn’s school applauded their pupil for using her voice to make a change, “Way to go, Kamryn!” they wrote online. 

Photo: Getty Images 

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