Michigan Dad Raises More Than $200K After Rescuing Twins From House Fire

Photo: Cindy Ord/Getty Images

A Michigan family surpassed its fundraising goal after news spread about a father who ran into their burning home to save his twin daughters. 

On July 16, 23- year-old parents Ray Lucas and Shi’ann Brown had briefly left the home they were living in with their 18-month old twins, Milan and Malaysia, and Lucas’ mother and niece when they returned to it ablaze. 

“The house was engulfed in smoke, I saw my mom and my niece were standing at the door and they were frantic,” Lucas told Fox 2. The father realized his twins were still in the basement sleeping so he rushed inside the burning home to save them. 

“I just knew I had to get my babies out,” he said. “That’s what went through my mind.” Lucas told the news outlet that the smoke was so thick he could barely see.

“You really couldn’t see your hand in front of your face –– I only found my babies due to my memory, just knowing where they were and knowing how to get to them –– just from having that same route,” Lucas explained. 

The girls made it out safely but suffered severe burns and smoke inhalation. Lucas experienced temporary blindness after saving his daughters. 

“I was temporarily blind for three days and they said it was a miracle I could see,” Lucas said. “I’ve got burns on my arms, but for the most part, everyone is still here.” Lucas said his niece also ran back inside to get a phone for the family to use before jumping from a window. 

The home where the family was staying is no longer inhabitable due to the fire. Donations have poured in to support the family who weren’t able to save much from the fire. 

The father also said that they dealt with flooding the day before the fire broke and thinks it may be related. 

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