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As Netflix's new series "Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story" rises in popularity, Boosie BadAzz is calling for the streamer to take down the show and urging Black people to stop watching.
On Thursday, the rapper slammed the latest Netflix craze centered around the life of Jeffrey Dahmer, a serial killer and cannibal who murdered 17 men from 1978 to 1991 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
"As Black people we should boycott the Jeffery Dahmer movie‼️" he tweeted in all caps Thursday. "What he did to our black kids is f***ing sick #Netflix take this movie down it's sick."
Twitter users had mixed reactions to Boosie's stance, which seemingly stemmed from how most of Dahmer's victims were young Black LGBTQ men, who were cannibalized and kept as trophies.
"This is the most dumbest shxt I’ve ever heard," one user wrote. "It’s a series that listed each and every victim and their age. Why should we boycott something that mentioned their names and the horrible things that was done to them &’ 9 out 10 people never even heard of the victims."
"No it needs to shine light on what was done to the Black community and how it was allowed due to racism and police negligence ‼️‼️" another chimed in, seemingly agreeing with the rapper's take.
Boosie isn't the only one who has expressed criticism for the Netflix series.
According to reports, Netflix faced backlash after tagging the show as LGBTQ.
Some of the families of the victims portrayed in the Jeffrey Dahmer series have also been critical of the program.
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