70-Year-Old Black Woman Graduates From Kennesaw State University

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A 70-year-old woman recently became a Kennesaw State University graduate.

According to Fox 5, Gloria Stowers, 70, graduated from Kennesaw State University with a degree in art education. Stowers walked across the graduation stage in a cap with tiger stripes and her gown.

"My husband gave me this little figurine, and it was like a tiger. And he said, ‘If you want to go to college, go get ’em tiger,'" Stowers said.

Stowers decided she would go after her dream and attend college over six years ago.

"I wanted to get away from the generation of my family being uneducated to being educated. Because being educated can give you opportunities in life. It makes the road that much easier. It gives you options you don't even know of until you go," Stowers said.

Stowers, a single parent, said her initial priority was helping her three children go to college. Once they were settled, Stowers said it was her turn to achieve her goals.

"I wouldn't say the key word is wait. I would say, no matter what, it is that you have a desire for, put the action into it. And time is of the essence, so every day utilize the time that is given to you. And that is my fulfillment of all the things that I've accomplished. Be blessed and take advantage of what's at hand," Stowers said.
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