Authorities Investigating Threat To Fly A Plane Into The Capitol

Federal authorities are reportedly investigating an anonymous threat towards the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C. Earlier this week, New York air traffic controllers received a menacing threat from an unidentified sender.

"We are flying a plane into the Capitol on Wednesday. [Gen. Qassem] Soleimani will be avenged," the anonymous voice said.

The message was received exactly one year after Soleimani was killed by American force at the Baghdad Airport. Immediately after the attack, Iran launched an attack on a base housing American troops in Baghdad. Iranian officials have also called on the International Criminal Police Organization to issue a "red notice" to President Donald Trump for his involvement in the incident.

Authorities have said that they don't believe that this particular threat is credible, but they are looking into the frequency breach. The Department of Defense has been briefed and sources say that the frequency breach itself is a threat to important communication channels.

"The Federal Aviation Administration works closely with federal law enforcement and national security partners on any reported security threats that may impact aviation safety," an FAA spokesperson said.

An FBI spokesperson for the New York office declined to comment on the matter in detail, but a spokesperson did say that the bureau "takes all threats of violence to public safety seriously." The U.S. Department of Justice has not yet issued an official statement.

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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