Louisiana Police Chief Says Hurricane Ida Hit Harder Than Hurricane Katrina

Grand Isle - Hurricane Ida

Photo: Getty Images

Hurricane Ida has hit Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee and Alabama hard over the last few days. More than one million people have been left without electricity, one person has been killed and many more have been left without shelter, food or clean water. One Louisiana police chief by the name of Scooter Resweber hit his town harder than Hurricane Katrina did in 2005.

“I’ve ridden out other hurricanes — Hurricane Isaac, Katrina, Gustav, Ike — and this is no comparison whatsoever. This is the worst. ... It’s just amazing that no one [here] was killed or even seriously injured,” Grand Isle Police Chief Scooter Resweber told the Associated Press.

Grand Isle is a small town in southeastern Louisiana with approximately 1,400 people. During Hurricane Ida, roofs were ripped from homes and buildings were destroyed. Some officials have gone as far as to say that the town is now "uninhabitable."

"Unfortunately, he says he believes the island is uninhabitable," Parish President Cynthia Lee Sheng told CBS News after speaking with Jefferson Parish Councilman Ricky Templet.

"There's 3 feet of sand across the entire island. This is a result of 10 to 12 breaks in the levy on the Gulf side. There is a strong odor of natural gas on the island."

Sheng went on to explain that 100% of the structures are damaged and 40% of the town's buildings are "completely destroyed with just the piling showing." As a result, the only people still left in Grand Isle are Resweber, the mayor and first responders. Simply put, Sheng describes the situation as "not good."

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