Tensions Rise After Black Father Dies Following Attempted Traffic Stop

Tensions are rising within the nation's capital following the death Karon Hylton-Brown on Monday.

The young, Black father was riding a rentable Revel moped through the city on October 23. Authorities spotted Hylton-Brown and attempted to apprehend him for allegedly riding on the sidewalk without a helmet. The events that took place after authorities spotted the 20-year-old have been debated within the public. Hylton-Brown is accused of dodging officers, entering an alley and crashing into a vehicle as he exited the alley. Hylton-Brown died three days after the crash.

Local citizens say that Hylton-Brown did not die due to his own actions. Rather, some Washington, D.C. residents believe that the crash was caused by police pursuit. Four officers are being accused of chasing the motorist through the city and causing him to crash into the vehicle. Local authorities in the nation's capital are legally prohibited from chasing motorists through the streets.

"We have very clear policies about no chasing. It should be obvious by now. Why? Because chases can be dangerous," Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser said.

“The things that happened didn't have to happen. You know, he was targeted. All this—we wouldn’t have to be out here,” Hylton-Brown's mother, Karen, added.

In the days following his death, protesters have gathered outside the city's 4th Police District. Cops and demonstrators exchanged projectiles as many looked to demand justice for the 20-year-old father.

The four officers involved in the attempted traffic stop have been place on leave. However, it is unclear if they will be removed from the force and charged with Hylton-Brown's death.

“You know, if the guy would've just left my son alone, all this wouldn't have happened," Karen Hylton said.

Photo: Getty Images

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