Video Shows Man Harassing Black Nonprofit Worker In San Francisco

A viral video that was recently posted to Instagram shows an unidentified white man harassing a Black nonprofit worker as he passes through an affluent, predominantly white neighborhood in San Francisco.

“I want identification,” the man tells the delivery driver as the two walked up the street.

"Who are you with? Who are those addressed to?"

Frustrated with the man's repeated demands, the nonprofit worker begins to question him instead.

“Who the f--- are you?" the delivery driver asks.

“Why do you think that I have to identify myself?"

Video of the incident has garnered nearly 200,000 views in under one week. In the video's caption, viewers get more context as to what took place during the very frustrating incident.

"For those who don’t know [about] its reputation, [Pacific] Heights is one of the most affluent, snobby and white neighborhoods in San Francisco," the caption reads.

"I was doing a Narcan delivery to the 2200 block of Clay Street when a man called out to me from a third-story window. He asked me what I was doing and I replied, '[I'm doing] my job.' He asked me who I worked for and I told him to mind his business. He then followed me to the halfway house I was delivering to and stood in my way as I tried to leave. I’ve never seen this guy before in my life. I posed no threat to his safety or his property. He threatened to call the cops on me."

Before the man called the cops, the nonprofit worker reminded him that it was illegal to make false 911 calls in San Francisco. At this point, the video caption suggests that the man backed off and attempted to explain that "things have come up missing" Pacific Heights recently, so he was just being cautious.

"I’m guessing that in his mind I had no right to be walking down his street and I must be looking for something to steal. I have a strong feeling that he wouldn’t have harassed me if I was of a lighter complexion," the video's caption adds.

"This is an everyday thing when you’re a man of color living in America."

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Reading about Black trauma can have an impact on your mental health. If you or someone you know need immediate mental health help, text "STRENGTH" to the Crisis Text Line at 741-741 to be connected to a certified crisis counselor. These additional resources are also available: 

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255

The National Alliance on Mental Illness 1-800-950-6264

The Association of Black Psychologists 1-301-449-3082

The Anxiety and Depression Association of America 1-240-485-1001

For more mental health resources, click HERE

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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