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A recent study has highlighted the dangers that exist for many Americans who have chosen not to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. After examining data from September 4 through October 1, researchers at the Texas Department of State Health Services determined that 81.3% of COVID-19 related deaths involved unvaccinated patients. In comparison, less than 14% of COVID-19 related deaths in the same time period involved vaccinated patients. When the Texas Department of State Health Services sorted the data into age brackets, things became more grim. Researchers found that unvaccinated Texas residents in their 40s are 55 times more likely to die from COVID-19 than their vaccinated neighbors. Among Texas residents above the age of 75, unvaccinated patients are 12 times more likely to die from the virus than vaccinated patients.
The state of Texas did not only examine COVID-19 related deaths. Researchers also looked into COVID-19 cases contracted throughout the state. Their data showed that 7 in 10 of those who were infected with COVID-19 were unvaccinated. In comparison, 19.3% of the state's new COVID-19 infections involved partially vaccinated residents and only 8.4% of the state's COVID-19 cases involved fully vaccinated residents.
In addition to examining data from the fall, The Hill reports that researchers in the state of Texas analyzed electronic lab reports, death certificates and the state immunization registry records from Jan 15 through October 1. During that time period, researchers reportedly determined that unvaccinated people were 45 times more likely to catch the virus and 40 times more likely to die from it.
Data found in Texas is backed by national data examined by the CDC. According to The Hill, the CDC has reported that unvaccinated Americans are 11 times more likely to die from COVID-19 and six times more likely to catch the virus than vaccinated Americans.
Despite the reports put forth at the national and state levels, Texas Governor Greg Abbott has banned all COVID-19 vaccine mandates of any "entity in Texas." The state of Texas is also suing the U.S. government for instituting COVID-19 vaccine mandates for federal contractors.
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The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255
The National Alliance on Mental Illness 1-800-950-6264
The Association of Black Psychologists 1-301-449-3082
The Anxiety and Depression Association of America 1-240-485-1001
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