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A Missouri man has been sentenced after allegedly targeting a Jackson County judge with threatening and racist voicemails, the Atlanta Black Star reports.
44-year-old Michael Deblois was convicted in July of tampering with a judicial officer and harassment motivated by discrimination in connection to a series of voice messages left for Judge Kenneth R. Garrett lll.
During the calls, Deblois allegedly hurled racial slurs and complained about housing and "reverse discrimination."
“Hey, do you know what reverse discrimination is because I want you to know how Black people can do whatever the f— they want,” Deblois allegedly said in one message.
The 44-year-old also was accused of calling Garrett the N-word and threatening to get an "eye for an eye."
In another message, Deblois allegedly requested a court hearing where he could "expose" alleged corruption in the government and a homeowners association that foreclosed his home.
“I highly recommend somebody in the staff of the Honorable Judge [name redacted] gets their head out their f—ing a– and explain to me in plain f—ing English why I can’t get a f—ing hearing to expose the government corruption and fraudulent homeowners association that he foreclosed my home for,” Deblois allegedly said.
During his trial, Deblois was also accused of threatening to follow court staff home in what appeared to be an attempt to intimidate and coerce the judicial system. He was sentenced to 11 years in prison.
“This is a sad state of affairs in today’s society for those who are attempting to do their job and serve the public. Instead of going through the proper channels to challenge a public servant’s decision, citizens are now bypassing this avenue for relief and proceed to threaten them with violence,” Garrett said following the sentencing. “This behavior must stop for government to function properly, and we as citizens must begin to air our grievances with civility and humility instead of discord and chaos.”
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