President-Elect Joe Biden Adds Susan Rice As Domestic Policy Adviser

President-Elect Joe Biden has tapped Susan Rice to join his team as a domestic policy adviser. Prior to working as a policy adviser, she worked as a national security adviser and U.S. ambassador. More recently, she was considered to be a top contender to become Biden's running mate before Kamala Harris joined the ticket.

“Rice is among our nation’s most senior and experienced government leaders with the skills to harness the power of the federal government to serve the American people,” the incoming Biden administration stated.

In addition to Rice, Biden has added Denis McDonough as the Veteran Affairs Secretary. McDonough previously worked as the White House Chief of Staff during the Obama administration.

“McDonough helped lead the Obama-Biden administration’s work on behalf of military families and veterans, and earned the trust of the president-elect as a first-class manager with the knowledge and vision to deliver results," a statement from the incoming Biden administration read.

"McDonough knows the ins and outs of government, and if confirmed, he will pull every lever to deliver results for veterans and their families.”

McDonough and Rice round out a recent run of Biden administration nominations. This week, Rep. Marcia Fudge, retired General Austin Lloyd, Tom Vilsack and Katherine Tai will all look to join the Biden administration in 2021.

The President-Elect is expected to formally introduce his recent picks on Friday.

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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